Adapting to a New Era: Cultural Evolution in Response to Globalization, Technological Advancements, and Environmental Changes

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Khalid Abbas
Qudsia Shamim


This study explores the dynamics of cultural adaptation in the face of globalization, technological advances, and environmental changes. Through a mixed-methods approach combining surveys and interviews across diverse global regions, it investigates how cultural practices evolve under these pressures. The findings reveal both the enrichment of local cultures through global exchanges and the challenges of cultural homogenization. Technological innovations facilitate new forms of expression but also widen the digital divide, impacting traditional social structures. Environmental changes prompt varied adaptive responses, emphasizing the importance of integrating traditional knowledge with modern practices for sustainable development. The study underscores the need for policies that balance cultural preservation with innovation, ensuring cultural diversity in a rapidly changing world.

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Author Biographies

Khalid Abbas, Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences

Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences

Qudsia Shamim, Combined Military Hospital, Lahore

Senior Physical Therapist, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Combined Military Hospital, Lahore